So I was on my YouTube account and I saw that Vat19 uploaded a video of one of their products. I clicked on it and to my amazement there it was, the most amazing product ever. What was it? A 26 lb. gummy bear with a 32 oz. stomach made for filling with snacks or liquuid. I was so overjoyed to buy it, but to my disappointment it was $200. The video was very funny too, had a nice catchy tune to go with it. Vat19 also sells other curiously awesome products, they are well worth checking out if you haven't already.
Here is the web address for the video plus every other one they have uploaded:
Here is also the web address for my channel which will have all the video's I have made so far on it... As soon as I get to uploading them:
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Why We Talk Back... A parents help book for the teenagers of yours.
As some of you reading this blog may be parents of a pre-teen or teenager, I thought instead of writing about what weird thing goes on in my life, I would try to dapple in the subject of us! And by us, i mean me and my fellow "teeneyboppers". (rule of thumb number one, please do not call us that. It ticks most people off.) PLEASE LET ME REMIND YOU I AM STILL A TEENAGER! WRITING ABOUT MY FRIENDS AND OF COURSE MY PERSPECTIVE ON WHY WE TALK BACK TO OUR PARENTS, THIS DOESN'T GO FOR EVERYONE'S ISSUES WITH THE TOPIC.
I was reading an article on msn today, and it was called "How to get your kids from stop talking back." So I clicked on it. I read the whole dang thing, and I was infuriated by it! The main points as to why we talk back in the first place, is because we were probably spoiled and or raised wrong! BUZZER NOISE! Wrong! So very very wrong! It is not because we are spoiled or raised wrong, well yes for a very small majority of talk-backers those are the reasons. So after reaing that I searched other stories, they all had one thing in common... written by older people who haven't seen their teenage years since poodle skirts were in fashion. Why are you listening to them in the first place? I think it would be much more easier to read it from a kid's perspective. Or to ask your own kid why they talk back. But if you did, then you wouldn't be reading this now would you? In the following paragraphs I'm going to be explaing to you why we talk back. Enjoy :)
REASON 1: Okay so I did kind of an unofficial poll with everyone I know at school (that's a lot btw(by the way)), and the main reason is because, well, sometimes you guys are being unfair. We aren't those gullible little first graders anymore, we know what's fair and what's not. Now some if not all of you are thinking, "What!? Perposterous! I am always fair with my child(ren)" Well let me break it to those of you I'm talking about, your not always.
An example would be, your teen already having made plans (for the pst month, already told you, you gave them permission) to go to the movies with their friends. To make it an even more specific example, let's say the midnight showing of Twilight: Eclipse, but oh what's this? You decide to go hang out with your buds, but in order to do that you will need to have your eldest babysit for the night. Even though they have had this movie planned out for a month, you cancel it just like that. But you argue saying, you've just had the most stressful week ever and need to go out and have fun. Well guess what? It's not our fault that you chose the most stressful job on earth. Going to the midnight premiere showing of Eclipse is a once and a lifetime thing. Never going to happen again. Your kid is only going to remain a kid for a short time, while your moment to live carefree is up. This is our moment. So in reality, your basically stripping them of memories to create and share with their future family. Even though at the time you probably told them, oh well, you can go see it another time with your friends. That doesn't make us feel any better. Now this incident would cause a lot of yelling and screaming things like "this isn't fair!" Now right now, we aren't trying to hide why we're talking back, in fact we are making it so clear, that we are yelling it at you! You weren't being fair. Now you may reply to that by saying something along the lines of "Well life isn't fair." This tactic is a big NONO!
REASON 2: "Well life isn't fair"
I swear this is the most common thing that gets said by the parentals. When you say something like that, when you are clearly being unfair, you are asking for it! In our brains there is a little button that says 'anger button' across it. There are a lot of things that trigger that button, one of the main causers is, the stupid ole saying "Well life's not fair." It's basically like your taunting us, like a bull fighter taunts, well, a bull. You taunt us from far away, but the minute we come at you with the horns, that you provoked, you get all "Don't you dare use that tone with me missy/mister!" It really can't be helped. (Now i may sound like I'm one-sided in this, but let me reassure you, I'm trying my best to be like Switzerland.)
Also, I don't recommend using this line at a young age, because kids learn mainly from what adults do and tell them. Like for instance, with me, I was told a bunch of stuff when I was young, one of them being when I was like 5 or 6. We were watching The Wizard of Oz, and when dorothy said something about Kansas, I asked "Is Kansas a real place?" My mom thinking it was funny, decided to reply "Oh no, Kansas is made up." Yeah it's all fun and games until your in social studies class in 6th grade having to learn the states, and on the test it asks whether the following are true. Uhuh thanks for embarrassing me mother.
The point I'm trying to make, is the fact little kids listen and will believe subconsciously, the stuff you tell them. So by telling them things like, "Life's not fair" at an early age, will really set in the back of their mind for a long time, until you tell them, "oh that's not always neccesarily true', or until they figure it out on their own. But that could really mess up their head a little. Like not expecting to gain much out of life and such. Some of you will probably be thinking this "What the HELLsinki gives you the right to compare two completely different subjects?" (talking about kansas and life's not fair here) But they aren't so completely different after all. Just think of the concept of things your telling your children and it staying in their mind. Yeah that's right, I just made a good point!
REASON 3: There may be some things you do, tht we are discovering tick us off. Now this may sound like a really dumb excuse to talk back or get angry about some things, but it's very solid ground I think. For instance, my dad chews very loudly, and he makes weird sounds that apparently only I can hear. Now I've always been very aware of these noises and I've even joked about it with him. But as I grew older, I realized that it seriously bugs me to no end! I told them about it in a clear adult manner. But what do they say? "Well that's just too dang bad!" Which is why i now get on the computer 5 minutes before they serve dinner, so I don't have to deal with it. If they come in and tell me to get off, I normally make up an excuse like I'm typing a paper, or something relevantly close to that. You may say "Wow kid, you have some issues if your getting a little peeved off from your dad chewing food." But seriously here, that's jus tone of my pet peeves. I would love to eat with my family but apparently wearing headfones is frowned upon in this society. On the days where I have over used the excuse of writing a paper, I actually have to sit at the table and eat with them. This is a position I don't want to really be in for more than 5 minutes, not because i don't love my family, but because of the dang chewing! So to get out of this spot, I shove all the food into my mouth before he sits down and call it good. Or if i'm too late, endure it, and if I end up in this situation I get REALLY crabby. Like seriously, I just want to scream my head off. But I can't, because that's frowned upon in this society too. So I get irritable and cabby. And with my family, that's never a good thing, because they ask a ton of questions. Mom"So darling how was your day?"
me "..."
mom "Ahem"
me "Fine."
mom "What do you mean fine? Didn't anything exciting happen?"
me "no"
mom "Well what you just did nothing all day?"
At this point I'm getting very frustrated so my tone I admit changes, "Fine mom, I went to school, ate lunch,went to class, came home, am currently eating dinner!" Then after saying this I kind of retreat into the back of my head.
mom "Well fine, I guess you won't be doing anything tonight, since your so crabby!"
me thinking "oh that's nice." saying "what!?"
And there you have it. I have told them sooooo many times as to why I am irritable in the evening, yet I still get yelled at. Now I could go on for 37 more paragraphs as to why me and my friends are irritable at others times, but i won't. Too much typing.
REASON 4: You assume things about what we think or do. Okay so as I'm typing this, I hear my dad say "Don't talk back to me like your older sibling does! It's disrespectful to me and your mom. And you have no reason for doing it!" Hahaha silly father, I know what your reading after I post this. My friend told me a perfect example of this.
So she loves her cell phone. If we were stuck in a quicksand pit and she left her phone outside the pit, she would get out, get it and then jump back in. That is how much she loves it. So anyways, she was texting and as she was sliding the keyboard out, it just snapped in half. Now this is where bad timing comes in. The week before a new droid got released, and she had been telling her parents about how she wanted that. They obvioulsy said no, because their plan wasn't up yet for another year. So she goes and shows it to them and what do they assume??? She broke it on purpose to gain the droid phone! Rubbish is what it was! The father got furious and started accusing her for listening to her friends about "purposifully breaking it" to get what she wanted. The mother however was mad about having to pay for a new phone because verizon didn't cover a new substitute for the one she broke or something like that. Anyeays back on track, dad just kept accusing her of doing it on purpose, and boy oh boy she was twice as angry about him doing that as he was for her "doing it on purpose", which she didn't. So yeah, back talking ensued, and there was grounding involved, in a case where there was no need for it. Point is, before you assume things, ask your child for their story. If you still don't believe them, have them come back every hour to tell it to you again. If they can't hold down the story, they are obviously lying.
THE END PARAGRAPH: I used some personnel expierences and my friends personnel expierence in this. I felt like this was a better route then making them up, so if your kid does something similiar to us, then you can kind of get a clue as to why, and trust me, it's not just because they feel like it. Oh let me add one more thing, about the stereotypical image of a teenager. We talk back. Yes. Why? Because we are becoming more aware of things, like fairness, some parents however don't see this and continue to treat us like we can only understand little words. Life isn't fair? We revolt against that saying because it diminshes our understanding of what our right is in the situation, whatever it may be. We get irritable? Yes, we do. Some because they may be having a rough day at school like growing up, or in some cases it's because of what you may be doing that irratate us, even though we have told you once or twice before in a calm manner, hey that kind of bugs me. Yet you continue to assume we do it out of a selfish reason. When in fact there was really no intentional harm towards you. So yeah we talk back, but don't think that all teenagers are like this, some skip this step all together. So I'm not really trying to group everyone together only the % that go i this category. ;) So yeah, if you didn't get any answers from this, then try talking to your kid about it. They want to know why your doing the things your doing too. Whether it be grounding your kid for running through a corn maze and cutting a corner at the wrong place at the wrong time, which wasn't a big deal by the way, the corn cops over reacted. Or just saying something like you can't go to that party because I said so. Well tell them why you grounded them when noone else's parents did and forgave their child, or why you won't let them go to that party. If you tell them why you won't let them go to that party, and you get a response like "Don't you trust me? You need to be able to trust me and that i'll be able to make the right desicions if a situation comes up." If you have no idea how to answer that without getting back talking, I suggest you wathc the 2011 halloween episode of The Middle (on abc).
Yep so that's it for today, signing off...
I was reading an article on msn today, and it was called "How to get your kids from stop talking back." So I clicked on it. I read the whole dang thing, and I was infuriated by it! The main points as to why we talk back in the first place, is because we were probably spoiled and or raised wrong! BUZZER NOISE! Wrong! So very very wrong! It is not because we are spoiled or raised wrong, well yes for a very small majority of talk-backers those are the reasons. So after reaing that I searched other stories, they all had one thing in common... written by older people who haven't seen their teenage years since poodle skirts were in fashion. Why are you listening to them in the first place? I think it would be much more easier to read it from a kid's perspective. Or to ask your own kid why they talk back. But if you did, then you wouldn't be reading this now would you? In the following paragraphs I'm going to be explaing to you why we talk back. Enjoy :)
REASON 1: Okay so I did kind of an unofficial poll with everyone I know at school (that's a lot btw(by the way)), and the main reason is because, well, sometimes you guys are being unfair. We aren't those gullible little first graders anymore, we know what's fair and what's not. Now some if not all of you are thinking, "What!? Perposterous! I am always fair with my child(ren)" Well let me break it to those of you I'm talking about, your not always.
An example would be, your teen already having made plans (for the pst month, already told you, you gave them permission) to go to the movies with their friends. To make it an even more specific example, let's say the midnight showing of Twilight: Eclipse, but oh what's this? You decide to go hang out with your buds, but in order to do that you will need to have your eldest babysit for the night. Even though they have had this movie planned out for a month, you cancel it just like that. But you argue saying, you've just had the most stressful week ever and need to go out and have fun. Well guess what? It's not our fault that you chose the most stressful job on earth. Going to the midnight premiere showing of Eclipse is a once and a lifetime thing. Never going to happen again. Your kid is only going to remain a kid for a short time, while your moment to live carefree is up. This is our moment. So in reality, your basically stripping them of memories to create and share with their future family. Even though at the time you probably told them, oh well, you can go see it another time with your friends. That doesn't make us feel any better. Now this incident would cause a lot of yelling and screaming things like "this isn't fair!" Now right now, we aren't trying to hide why we're talking back, in fact we are making it so clear, that we are yelling it at you! You weren't being fair. Now you may reply to that by saying something along the lines of "Well life isn't fair." This tactic is a big NONO!
REASON 2: "Well life isn't fair"
I swear this is the most common thing that gets said by the parentals. When you say something like that, when you are clearly being unfair, you are asking for it! In our brains there is a little button that says 'anger button' across it. There are a lot of things that trigger that button, one of the main causers is, the stupid ole saying "Well life's not fair." It's basically like your taunting us, like a bull fighter taunts, well, a bull. You taunt us from far away, but the minute we come at you with the horns, that you provoked, you get all "Don't you dare use that tone with me missy/mister!" It really can't be helped. (Now i may sound like I'm one-sided in this, but let me reassure you, I'm trying my best to be like Switzerland.)
Also, I don't recommend using this line at a young age, because kids learn mainly from what adults do and tell them. Like for instance, with me, I was told a bunch of stuff when I was young, one of them being when I was like 5 or 6. We were watching The Wizard of Oz, and when dorothy said something about Kansas, I asked "Is Kansas a real place?" My mom thinking it was funny, decided to reply "Oh no, Kansas is made up." Yeah it's all fun and games until your in social studies class in 6th grade having to learn the states, and on the test it asks whether the following are true. Uhuh thanks for embarrassing me mother.
The point I'm trying to make, is the fact little kids listen and will believe subconsciously, the stuff you tell them. So by telling them things like, "Life's not fair" at an early age, will really set in the back of their mind for a long time, until you tell them, "oh that's not always neccesarily true', or until they figure it out on their own. But that could really mess up their head a little. Like not expecting to gain much out of life and such. Some of you will probably be thinking this "What the HELLsinki gives you the right to compare two completely different subjects?" (talking about kansas and life's not fair here) But they aren't so completely different after all. Just think of the concept of things your telling your children and it staying in their mind. Yeah that's right, I just made a good point!
REASON 3: There may be some things you do, tht we are discovering tick us off. Now this may sound like a really dumb excuse to talk back or get angry about some things, but it's very solid ground I think. For instance, my dad chews very loudly, and he makes weird sounds that apparently only I can hear. Now I've always been very aware of these noises and I've even joked about it with him. But as I grew older, I realized that it seriously bugs me to no end! I told them about it in a clear adult manner. But what do they say? "Well that's just too dang bad!" Which is why i now get on the computer 5 minutes before they serve dinner, so I don't have to deal with it. If they come in and tell me to get off, I normally make up an excuse like I'm typing a paper, or something relevantly close to that. You may say "Wow kid, you have some issues if your getting a little peeved off from your dad chewing food." But seriously here, that's jus tone of my pet peeves. I would love to eat with my family but apparently wearing headfones is frowned upon in this society. On the days where I have over used the excuse of writing a paper, I actually have to sit at the table and eat with them. This is a position I don't want to really be in for more than 5 minutes, not because i don't love my family, but because of the dang chewing! So to get out of this spot, I shove all the food into my mouth before he sits down and call it good. Or if i'm too late, endure it, and if I end up in this situation I get REALLY crabby. Like seriously, I just want to scream my head off. But I can't, because that's frowned upon in this society too. So I get irritable and cabby. And with my family, that's never a good thing, because they ask a ton of questions. Mom"So darling how was your day?"
me "..."
mom "Ahem"
me "Fine."
mom "What do you mean fine? Didn't anything exciting happen?"
me "no"
mom "Well what you just did nothing all day?"
At this point I'm getting very frustrated so my tone I admit changes, "Fine mom, I went to school, ate lunch,went to class, came home, am currently eating dinner!" Then after saying this I kind of retreat into the back of my head.
mom "Well fine, I guess you won't be doing anything tonight, since your so crabby!"
me thinking "oh that's nice." saying "what!?"
And there you have it. I have told them sooooo many times as to why I am irritable in the evening, yet I still get yelled at. Now I could go on for 37 more paragraphs as to why me and my friends are irritable at others times, but i won't. Too much typing.
REASON 4: You assume things about what we think or do. Okay so as I'm typing this, I hear my dad say "Don't talk back to me like your older sibling does! It's disrespectful to me and your mom. And you have no reason for doing it!" Hahaha silly father, I know what your reading after I post this. My friend told me a perfect example of this.
So she loves her cell phone. If we were stuck in a quicksand pit and she left her phone outside the pit, she would get out, get it and then jump back in. That is how much she loves it. So anyways, she was texting and as she was sliding the keyboard out, it just snapped in half. Now this is where bad timing comes in. The week before a new droid got released, and she had been telling her parents about how she wanted that. They obvioulsy said no, because their plan wasn't up yet for another year. So she goes and shows it to them and what do they assume??? She broke it on purpose to gain the droid phone! Rubbish is what it was! The father got furious and started accusing her for listening to her friends about "purposifully breaking it" to get what she wanted. The mother however was mad about having to pay for a new phone because verizon didn't cover a new substitute for the one she broke or something like that. Anyeays back on track, dad just kept accusing her of doing it on purpose, and boy oh boy she was twice as angry about him doing that as he was for her "doing it on purpose", which she didn't. So yeah, back talking ensued, and there was grounding involved, in a case where there was no need for it. Point is, before you assume things, ask your child for their story. If you still don't believe them, have them come back every hour to tell it to you again. If they can't hold down the story, they are obviously lying.
THE END PARAGRAPH: I used some personnel expierences and my friends personnel expierence in this. I felt like this was a better route then making them up, so if your kid does something similiar to us, then you can kind of get a clue as to why, and trust me, it's not just because they feel like it. Oh let me add one more thing, about the stereotypical image of a teenager. We talk back. Yes. Why? Because we are becoming more aware of things, like fairness, some parents however don't see this and continue to treat us like we can only understand little words. Life isn't fair? We revolt against that saying because it diminshes our understanding of what our right is in the situation, whatever it may be. We get irritable? Yes, we do. Some because they may be having a rough day at school like growing up, or in some cases it's because of what you may be doing that irratate us, even though we have told you once or twice before in a calm manner, hey that kind of bugs me. Yet you continue to assume we do it out of a selfish reason. When in fact there was really no intentional harm towards you. So yeah we talk back, but don't think that all teenagers are like this, some skip this step all together. So I'm not really trying to group everyone together only the % that go i this category. ;) So yeah, if you didn't get any answers from this, then try talking to your kid about it. They want to know why your doing the things your doing too. Whether it be grounding your kid for running through a corn maze and cutting a corner at the wrong place at the wrong time, which wasn't a big deal by the way, the corn cops over reacted. Or just saying something like you can't go to that party because I said so. Well tell them why you grounded them when noone else's parents did and forgave their child, or why you won't let them go to that party. If you tell them why you won't let them go to that party, and you get a response like "Don't you trust me? You need to be able to trust me and that i'll be able to make the right desicions if a situation comes up." If you have no idea how to answer that without getting back talking, I suggest you wathc the 2011 halloween episode of The Middle (on abc).
Yep so that's it for today, signing off...
Monday, October 24, 2011
According To My Mom...We Almost Died
As some of you may know, I am not a morning person. What am I saying? None of you know me, if you do, then why aren't you following the rules of that restraining order I had placed on you?
I awoke from my humble bed at like 4:00 a.m. IN THE FRIGGIN MORNING! Feeling a bit nauseous and smelling the smell of rotten eggs. My first thought being, "Oh crap, what did I leave in my room." Which wasn't really a question, more of a statement that needed to be stated. After looking around a bit, I came upon the conclusion that the foul smell was not emitting from my room, but rather upstairs. So I go to the bathroom, then go back to sleep. Which btw was udderly pointless, because 30 minutes later my mother was yelling like she found out I killed someone and stuffed them in our freezer. "What's that smell?!?!?" Gregory get up here now! What's that smell?!?" Those were all the things I heard before anyone helped my mother calm down. Which wasn't me, I was still trying to get some sleep.
I re-awoke at 7:30 becase it was freezing cold and I swear my feet turned into fudgecicles for a minute. So took the quickest shower in history, got dressed, ate breakfast, then went upstairs to see if my mother was still having a cow. "Did you know someone left the burner on the stove on all night?" she asked.
"uh, no." I retorted.
"well they did. We all could of died from poisining." My mumsy states.
"mother, it's still very early. I'd rather not think about how I almost died in my sleep."
"This is something to be taken seriously! Do you find it funny that wahwahwahwawhwha..." It was at this time that I just zoned out from what she was saying, grabbed my wallet and went on my merry way.
Just a fact, but when your mother is having a cow about something, just go along with it, because if you don't, it will come and nip you in the butt.
School was over and I came back home. There was a tray of freshly baked muffins sitting ontop of the stove. "Hey mom, I'm gonna go change into my running stuff. Can you get me a muffin and put it in a ziploc please?"
"yeah yeah" she says.
So I go into my room and change, put deoderant on and all that jazz. I come back upstairs grab my muffin-in-a-bag and start filling up my waterbottle.
"Thanks for the muffin."
"mom, thanks for the muffin."
"mother thank you for the muffin!"
At this point I'm getting cheesed off, so I go to the door do a dramatic turn around and say very loudly, "Mother! I Appreciate This Muffin Upon Which You Put Into This Here Ziploc Baggy!"
"Well you know what? I don't have to stand here and tolerate this tone your using with me." She got up and walked away. Leaving me standing there baffled not sure what to say or do. So I just walk out into the car and drive off.
I came back only to find her furious with me still. My dad finally comes home and gets yelled at by her and I'm just sitting there smiling like there's no tomorrow. Probably not the best way to go about it, but hey, finally someone other than me for a change.
My mom explained to me later on, that she was still mad about this morning. Gosh, holding onto grudges a little too much?
I awoke from my humble bed at like 4:00 a.m. IN THE FRIGGIN MORNING! Feeling a bit nauseous and smelling the smell of rotten eggs. My first thought being, "Oh crap, what did I leave in my room." Which wasn't really a question, more of a statement that needed to be stated. After looking around a bit, I came upon the conclusion that the foul smell was not emitting from my room, but rather upstairs. So I go to the bathroom, then go back to sleep. Which btw was udderly pointless, because 30 minutes later my mother was yelling like she found out I killed someone and stuffed them in our freezer. "What's that smell?!?!?" Gregory get up here now! What's that smell?!?" Those were all the things I heard before anyone helped my mother calm down. Which wasn't me, I was still trying to get some sleep.
I re-awoke at 7:30 becase it was freezing cold and I swear my feet turned into fudgecicles for a minute. So took the quickest shower in history, got dressed, ate breakfast, then went upstairs to see if my mother was still having a cow. "Did you know someone left the burner on the stove on all night?" she asked.
"uh, no." I retorted.
"well they did. We all could of died from poisining." My mumsy states.
"mother, it's still very early. I'd rather not think about how I almost died in my sleep."
"This is something to be taken seriously! Do you find it funny that wahwahwahwawhwha..." It was at this time that I just zoned out from what she was saying, grabbed my wallet and went on my merry way.
Just a fact, but when your mother is having a cow about something, just go along with it, because if you don't, it will come and nip you in the butt.
School was over and I came back home. There was a tray of freshly baked muffins sitting ontop of the stove. "Hey mom, I'm gonna go change into my running stuff. Can you get me a muffin and put it in a ziploc please?"
"yeah yeah" she says.
So I go into my room and change, put deoderant on and all that jazz. I come back upstairs grab my muffin-in-a-bag and start filling up my waterbottle.
"Thanks for the muffin."
"mom, thanks for the muffin."
"mother thank you for the muffin!"
At this point I'm getting cheesed off, so I go to the door do a dramatic turn around and say very loudly, "Mother! I Appreciate This Muffin Upon Which You Put Into This Here Ziploc Baggy!"
"Well you know what? I don't have to stand here and tolerate this tone your using with me." She got up and walked away. Leaving me standing there baffled not sure what to say or do. So I just walk out into the car and drive off.
I came back only to find her furious with me still. My dad finally comes home and gets yelled at by her and I'm just sitting there smiling like there's no tomorrow. Probably not the best way to go about it, but hey, finally someone other than me for a change.
My mom explained to me later on, that she was still mad about this morning. Gosh, holding onto grudges a little too much?
Probably My Best Work Yet...
I realize I haven't posted anything in awhile, but i've been busy with training for this 1/2 marathon my aunt talked me into doing. For those of you who don't know how long that is, and believe me it is LONG, it's 13 miles. Holy buckets man! At the moment I can run 3 miles without stopping, so that's a start right? Anyways, I recently wrote a paper for honors english... that I'm not in. My friend told me to do it for no apparent reason, so I did. Here it is.
(Insert Essay Name Here)
By (insert my name here)
6th hour (not really, maybe, somewhat...)
To whom it may concern...
Hello dearest reader. How are you? That's great to hear. (If you are not feeling peachy as an apple, please disregard the previous statement.) I just wanted to let you know, that out of all the essays you picked up, I'm glad you chose mine. Really I have this touched deeply feeling in- oh wait no, that was a burp. Soooooo I don't know what rubric I'm supposed to using for this, let alone what it's supposed to be written about. I think I'll just let my mind wander and conjure up some stories if that's okay with you valued reader.
You know what? I'm gonna give you advice on how to meditate and clear your mind. (clears throat) Okay so lay/lie on your stomach. (I've never understood which word is proper to use in this case) Now chant these words out loud. Seriously, chant them out loud while reading this. Im-on-e-dee-yot. Chant faster. IM-ON-E-DEE-YOT! Faster! No, no, no, much faster than that. ROFL. I just made you call yourself an idiot :) All in good humor of course, I don't really think your an idiot. Next clear your mind of all negative thoughts like the fact you left the bath water running and you're going to end up flooding your house. Or that the debt crises just keeps getting worse and worse each passing day. Breathe in... Now out. Picture yourself standing in a meadow, with long, flowing, green grass. Where we live there are a bunch of snakes. So don't think about how just standing in the meadow, you're putting yourself in danger of getting bitten by snakes. My friend just informed me that me talking about snakes biting you, has probably made you think of snakes biting you. To make that better picture yourself with a can of snake repellant. Spray it all around. Bye-bye snakes, you won't be biting us today. Now your floating above the grand canyon. Don't think about how much it would hurt to fall down the big, rocky, BIG, grand canyon... At most you would have a VERY MINOR case, of serious neck injuries. Breathe in... and out. Now you're at a bridge that leads to happiness. Of course you can't cross the bridge because of the scary troll that lives underneath. So for now until you think of a way to get rid of the troll, you will only be able to stare at the bridge... but what's this? The magical (and real) Santa Clause has given you a bazooka. Now you can cross the bridge to happiness without worrying about the troll. You will only have the guilty conscience of knowing you killed the troll who never did anything to harm you. *tisk tisk tisk* Now don't you feel better after doing that meditation?
Humhumhum. You know that song "Friday" by Rebecca Black? I was listening to that song today and immediately my brain had a brilliant idea for a story. Do you want to hear it? Oh no I couldn't possibly. Well if you insist.
It was a dark and stormy night in the middle of October. The night seamed to howl the words, 'Carol! Where's my 2% milk?!' Turns out it was Mr. Wheedle yelling at his wife to bring him his 2% milk. It was quiet within the house. The girl stood at her window, gazing into the stormy clouds. Her mind fixated on that one question, no one could ever seem to answer for her. What are the handles for corn on the cob called? She always pondered this, but no one ever knew the answer. She thought about this for two more minutes before finally deciding to sit down and watch Jersey Shore.
As she watched, she began to think of other questions like, how come the cameras are already in the cabs before they ever get in? Why do Ronnie and Sam continue to say "things will be different. I won't be that person in Jersey. "? When in fact they are still that person from Jersey, still on a show called Jersey Shore. *Why are they still together? *(status of subject to change often)
Her thoughts were then interrupted by a knock at the door. She got up and opened it. It was the Pizza Hut delivery guy
"That'll be $15.67." He said.
The girl gave him the money, took the pizza, sat her tuccas down on the couch, and munched away on pepperoni pizza. After she got done she brushed her teeth, and went to bed.
The End.
That isn't really the story I think of when I hear the song "Friday". That's actually how my night went. When you order from Pizza Hut, make sure you say something along the lines of, "Yes, and I would also like extra pepperoni." If you don't then they will hand you a box filled with cheese pizza, and a light sprinkle of pepperoni! Seriously I hate that so much. When you ask for a type of pizza, they need to make it distinctively clear that it has the topping you want on it. But I digress.
The story I think of when I hear "Friday", goes something like this.
I knew my day was going to stink, when Bethany pushed me out of the 7th story window.
The End.
I don't want to sound mean but that's seriously what I thought of. I personally don't believe that singing is her call to life. It's probably something like being a peach vendor, or the actors who get to be real life people in remakes you find on discovery channel. But what do I know?
It has occurred to me that you may not remember who I am, or what hour you have me in. Well don't feel bad, I don't even have you as a teacher. A friend of mine told me to do this. Forced me actually. I won't name names, but it rhymes with Dayla Kice. *Cough switch the D and K cough!* If you want to continue reading, by all means, go ahead, who's stopping you? Maybe under the circumstances that mischievous Dayla Kice, is forcing you to stop reading this well written, master piece of an essay. But I'm not stalking you, so I don't know. What your about to read is my real story, about the song Friday.
It all went wrong that fateful day, when the protesters overthrew the government. They shouted out, "THE RENT IS TOO (beavers) DAMM HIGH!" Obama was last seen heading into a cave where it is rumored he will live for the duration of this apocalyptic state.
For forty days and forty nights, we went without government people yelling at us to pay outrageously high taxes. At first it seemed like heaven, but it quickly became Helsinki on earth. Literally. The devil unleashed his fiendish ghouls upon what used to be, the wonderful land of America, and became Sarah Palin's opponent for the 2012 election. The people gladly voted in Sarah Palin's favor. But the day of the inauguration she went "missing". The Russians were very happy about that, because now they could go about their business without having her staring at them from her house.
The Devil became President in her place. He imposed new laws like you must sign a contract with your soul if you want to shop for groceries. Nobody liked that law at all.
Everyone lived in fear of him. Until one day, a brave warrior from Canada came over. The brave warrior challenged the Devil to a rock paper scissors contest. The winner would get to choose where the loser ended up. The Devil readily accepted. They both shook hands and began their duel. Brave warrior from Canada got the first point, with the Devil coming from behind to tie the game. It was down to the last point. They both began the rock paper scissors chant, when all of a sudden a person from the peanut gallery, slingshot a pineapple instantly knocking out Devil.
The people then strapped him onto a rocket sending him into space. Forever. Never to return. As the rocket left the earth's atmosphere, the song "still alive" from portal could be heard playing in the background.
The End.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Reasons to Read This Blog.
HELLO to all you out there in blogger land. How are you? That's great to hear. I just wanted to write a little post as to why you won't regret reading this blog. Out of all the blogs you could have chosen to read, I'm touched deeply that you chose mine to read first. Really I am. I have this touched deeply feeling in the pit of my stomach. Oh wait, nope, that's just indegestion.
I should probably go get some tums after typing this. I wonder if I should get the mint or the fruity flavored ones. You know dearest reader, I never understood as to why companies made fruit flavored medicine things. You feel sick to your stomach, so why would you want to eat something fruity? It would make more sense to just make it a minty or peppermint flavor. Speaking of which have you had pepto-bismol before? What kind of a question is this, everyone's had pepto-bismol at some point in their life. Anyways, they make it to where it looks bad, smells bad, and tastes bad. When your stomach feels like someone stuck a gallon of sour milk in it, the last thing you want is something that looks, smells, and tastes bad. It is just insane I tell you! Hold on, I feel like I've gone off course a little here.
Anywho, you should read this blog because you will find an assortment of things. Such as, shenanigans, near death expieriences, randomness, words, more words, and even a little joy from knowing your not the only one who's done something like that.
I should probably go get some tums after typing this. I wonder if I should get the mint or the fruity flavored ones. You know dearest reader, I never understood as to why companies made fruit flavored medicine things. You feel sick to your stomach, so why would you want to eat something fruity? It would make more sense to just make it a minty or peppermint flavor. Speaking of which have you had pepto-bismol before? What kind of a question is this, everyone's had pepto-bismol at some point in their life. Anyways, they make it to where it looks bad, smells bad, and tastes bad. When your stomach feels like someone stuck a gallon of sour milk in it, the last thing you want is something that looks, smells, and tastes bad. It is just insane I tell you! Hold on, I feel like I've gone off course a little here.
Anywho, you should read this blog because you will find an assortment of things. Such as, shenanigans, near death expieriences, randomness, words, more words, and even a little joy from knowing your not the only one who's done something like that.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
Core and Flex
Hum hum hum... Well right now I'm at my school in core and flex time. What is that hullabaloo you may ask? It means that if your passing all your classes with a C- or better then your in flex time. Which then means, that you being the smart person you are get 20 or so minutes all to yourself between 2nd and 3rd hour... Which sucks, because if you have all your homework done then you just get to laze around talking to people you normally wouldn't converse with. Except in my situation where most of my friends are in flex so that's pretty cool.
Core means that you sir (or madam) have a D+ or lower in any of your classes. The class you have the bad grade in, is where you report to for the 20 some minutes working to improve your grade. So some, if not all of you, could be thinking at this precise moment in time, "what is the downside to this?" Well think of it this way...
On the day they run grade checks, you didn't turn in an assignment so your grade is now an F. The next day you turn it in, and it miraculously gets bumped up to an A-. Even though you are now passing the class, you still have to remain in that core class for the duration of 3 weeks! That isn't even close to being fair in my book. But of course my book also says that if Life gives you lemons you blow up Life's house and demand that they take the lemons back. (that was a Cave Johnson quote for any of you who didn't know that.)
There is also another bad effect to this Core/Flex as well... Let's say your "posse" so to say, has 9 people in it. The best case scenerio is that 6 out of the 9 will be in flex time, where as the other 3 will be in some sort of core class. Worst case scenerio, your one of the unlucky kids who have a D or F. You're then put in prison, all by you lonesome just left with your thoughts for 20 minutes. Unless you get lucky and some other people you hang out with are in the class too.
Sure math logic will tell you other statistics, but highschool doesn't apply to math logic! In case your wondering, I was in core for 3 weeks because of my grade in math. :-)
Core means that you sir (or madam) have a D+ or lower in any of your classes. The class you have the bad grade in, is where you report to for the 20 some minutes working to improve your grade. So some, if not all of you, could be thinking at this precise moment in time, "what is the downside to this?" Well think of it this way...
On the day they run grade checks, you didn't turn in an assignment so your grade is now an F. The next day you turn it in, and it miraculously gets bumped up to an A-. Even though you are now passing the class, you still have to remain in that core class for the duration of 3 weeks! That isn't even close to being fair in my book. But of course my book also says that if Life gives you lemons you blow up Life's house and demand that they take the lemons back. (that was a Cave Johnson quote for any of you who didn't know that.)
There is also another bad effect to this Core/Flex as well... Let's say your "posse" so to say, has 9 people in it. The best case scenerio is that 6 out of the 9 will be in flex time, where as the other 3 will be in some sort of core class. Worst case scenerio, your one of the unlucky kids who have a D or F. You're then put in prison, all by you lonesome just left with your thoughts for 20 minutes. Unless you get lucky and some other people you hang out with are in the class too.
Sure math logic will tell you other statistics, but highschool doesn't apply to math logic! In case your wondering, I was in core for 3 weeks because of my grade in math. :-)
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Birthdays, cakes, and firework candles...
Today was my friend's birthday, and me being the random person I am, decided to go to her house this morning. So I showed up at 7:00 a.m. with an ice-cream cake, a birthday giftbag full of gifts, (surprised?) and a spinning birthday candle that shoots a sparkler like firework from it (available now at Albertsons).
I rang the doorbell and hid around the corner hoping to scare the begeebers out of her. The only part I messed up on was the fact I jumped out before she opened the door.... FAIL X. After I went inside, I gave her a letter and told her to read it and not stop until she came to the very end. When my friend started reading it, I began to get out the cake and firework candle so I could set it up. She was on the last paragraph of the letter when I was finished, the paragraph read and I quote... "Now your probably asking yourself, (insert my name here) why did you write 2 pages worth of words? You don't do that sort of stuff unless your forced to. You may have other questions too. Now let me answer all those questions with a question. refer to (insert my name here) for question." She put the paper down and just looked at me funny like I was some insane maniac. I then ask "well would you like a small slice of cake or a big slice?" holding the cake right in front of her face.
But before we could cut it, we went outside to her patio to light the candle. Now I didn't read the instructions before hand, so it was basically like trying to get a kindergartner to defuse a bomb. The only difference between me and a 5 yr old was the fact I am smarter, and let's be honest, any nut job knows that you ALWAYS cut the red wire. She handed me the box of matches, lit it, and stuck it in the middle of the candle. Now this candle is actually plastic shaped like a flower and theres really about 7 candles in it. There is also a wire your supposed to light to start the firework, but sadly enoug I didn't see it. So there's just a giant flame going on-top of this ice-cream cake meant to serve about 3 people and I don't want her to blow out the candles for fear the firework will go off in her face.
So for about 5 minutes we just stared at it. Let me tell you it was like trying to play fetch with a dead cat... nothing happend. After about another 5 minutes my friend noticed that the wax on the candles was gone and that the flame was melting the plastic, and dripping right on the cake! Poor cake. After about a minute of watching plastic melt, the firework finally went off, only to make the fire even bigger. Me not wanting to be responsible for the loss of her house ran to the hose, turned it one, and dowsed the cake with freezing cold water. The only logical thing to do in my opinion. After that little mishap, we had to carve the cake to where we would not be digesting plastic every bite.
Lesson learned from this?
Well there isn't one really, but if I had to say, it'd be this... If your gonna celebrate your friends birthday at 7:00 a.m. you should have your friend blow out the candle right away to avoid any cake abuse charges.
I rang the doorbell and hid around the corner hoping to scare the begeebers out of her. The only part I messed up on was the fact I jumped out before she opened the door.... FAIL X. After I went inside, I gave her a letter and told her to read it and not stop until she came to the very end. When my friend started reading it, I began to get out the cake and firework candle so I could set it up. She was on the last paragraph of the letter when I was finished, the paragraph read and I quote... "Now your probably asking yourself, (insert my name here) why did you write 2 pages worth of words? You don't do that sort of stuff unless your forced to. You may have other questions too. Now let me answer all those questions with a question. refer to (insert my name here) for question." She put the paper down and just looked at me funny like I was some insane maniac. I then ask "well would you like a small slice of cake or a big slice?" holding the cake right in front of her face.
But before we could cut it, we went outside to her patio to light the candle. Now I didn't read the instructions before hand, so it was basically like trying to get a kindergartner to defuse a bomb. The only difference between me and a 5 yr old was the fact I am smarter, and let's be honest, any nut job knows that you ALWAYS cut the red wire. She handed me the box of matches, lit it, and stuck it in the middle of the candle. Now this candle is actually plastic shaped like a flower and theres really about 7 candles in it. There is also a wire your supposed to light to start the firework, but sadly enoug I didn't see it. So there's just a giant flame going on-top of this ice-cream cake meant to serve about 3 people and I don't want her to blow out the candles for fear the firework will go off in her face.
So for about 5 minutes we just stared at it. Let me tell you it was like trying to play fetch with a dead cat... nothing happend. After about another 5 minutes my friend noticed that the wax on the candles was gone and that the flame was melting the plastic, and dripping right on the cake! Poor cake. After about a minute of watching plastic melt, the firework finally went off, only to make the fire even bigger. Me not wanting to be responsible for the loss of her house ran to the hose, turned it one, and dowsed the cake with freezing cold water. The only logical thing to do in my opinion. After that little mishap, we had to carve the cake to where we would not be digesting plastic every bite.
Lesson learned from this?
Well there isn't one really, but if I had to say, it'd be this... If your gonna celebrate your friends birthday at 7:00 a.m. you should have your friend blow out the candle right away to avoid any cake abuse charges.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Poison Cooking!
How many of you have ever played any of the Kingdom Hearts games? Well you know how in, I think the 2nd one, the two dudes eat sea-salt ice-cream and talk about how yummy it is? Well I found a video on how to make it on YouTube. ( And since I had absolutly nothing to do I made seasalt icecream.
In the video the girl says something about whipping the egg whites till its firm... had absolutly no idea as to what she meant by that, so I just whipped them for 10 minutes. Boy o' boy did those things get fluffy. After that the girl said the recipe called for a cream. Didn't have any, so I substituted coffee creamer in for it. Big no no. Coffee creamer is not the same thing as cream.
She also said to put just enough salt in it so it's salty but still sweat. As I was pouring it, the lid fell off dumping in a a bunch of salt. Yeah, you weren't going to be able to taste any sweetness whatsoever.
Then I had to put in a vanilla extract, I couldn't find any so instead I put in pure mint extract. That stuff is so strong to the point of where I had to plug my nose.
Sooner or later it was time for the food coloring, to make it look blueygreenerish. When I was putting the drops in they looked so small compared to the mixture, so I poured in the whole container of blue and yellow. After stirring it, I came to the conclusion that I probably didn't need to put that much food coloring in. It looked like the Jolly Green Giant threw up in a bowl. Despite what it looked like, I still ended up putting it in the freezer over night.
Today I was the first of my family and friends to try it, so I took a big spoonfull and put it in my mouth. I got some good news and bad news. Well actually good news and 2 bad news'. Bad news is it triggers your gag reflex. 2nd bad news if you have the guts to swallow it, it makes you deathly ill. Seriously, i was puking for what seemed hours. Good news is, if we ever need to imobilize the enemy just give them each a complimentary bowl of seasalt icecream and that should take care of everything.
In the video the girl says something about whipping the egg whites till its firm... had absolutly no idea as to what she meant by that, so I just whipped them for 10 minutes. Boy o' boy did those things get fluffy. After that the girl said the recipe called for a cream. Didn't have any, so I substituted coffee creamer in for it. Big no no. Coffee creamer is not the same thing as cream.
She also said to put just enough salt in it so it's salty but still sweat. As I was pouring it, the lid fell off dumping in a a bunch of salt. Yeah, you weren't going to be able to taste any sweetness whatsoever.
Then I had to put in a vanilla extract, I couldn't find any so instead I put in pure mint extract. That stuff is so strong to the point of where I had to plug my nose.
Sooner or later it was time for the food coloring, to make it look blueygreenerish. When I was putting the drops in they looked so small compared to the mixture, so I poured in the whole container of blue and yellow. After stirring it, I came to the conclusion that I probably didn't need to put that much food coloring in. It looked like the Jolly Green Giant threw up in a bowl. Despite what it looked like, I still ended up putting it in the freezer over night.
Today I was the first of my family and friends to try it, so I took a big spoonfull and put it in my mouth. I got some good news and bad news. Well actually good news and 2 bad news'. Bad news is it triggers your gag reflex. 2nd bad news if you have the guts to swallow it, it makes you deathly ill. Seriously, i was puking for what seemed hours. Good news is, if we ever need to imobilize the enemy just give them each a complimentary bowl of seasalt icecream and that should take care of everything.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
spatula on fire!
I woke up today like I do every other day feeling completely famished. So in order to get my tummy to stop moaning, I arouse from my bed and went into the kitchen to fix an omelet. I got all the supplies out for making omelets, and quickly began preparing my meal.
It soon came time for the flipping stage, so I picked up my spatula that was sitting next to the burner, only to find it on fire. It freaked me out quite a bit actually. I was running back and forth and frantically turning around in circles. I then had a type of, epiphany, you could say. I ran outside and turned on the hose full blast while still wearing my pajamas. It was a rare sight you don't see everyday folks. All my neighbors were looking at me weird, it was a bit embarrassing. After coming inside, I looked over the burnt part and found some type of greasy stuff on it. 93% sure it came from the non-stick pam I sprayed on the frying pan. 7% sure that my brother put gasoline on the end of it just to make some type of entertainment for him to watch in the morning.
Lesson learned from this... Turn off the stove before panicking so your omelet doesn't end up burnt.
It soon came time for the flipping stage, so I picked up my spatula that was sitting next to the burner, only to find it on fire. It freaked me out quite a bit actually. I was running back and forth and frantically turning around in circles. I then had a type of, epiphany, you could say. I ran outside and turned on the hose full blast while still wearing my pajamas. It was a rare sight you don't see everyday folks. All my neighbors were looking at me weird, it was a bit embarrassing. After coming inside, I looked over the burnt part and found some type of greasy stuff on it. 93% sure it came from the non-stick pam I sprayed on the frying pan. 7% sure that my brother put gasoline on the end of it just to make some type of entertainment for him to watch in the morning.
Lesson learned from this... Turn off the stove before panicking so your omelet doesn't end up burnt.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Why I didn't finish my history project.
Okay so today I was going through some files on my computer, and I came across an old essay I had written in eigth grade for history class. I had written it explaining as to why I had turned in my project two weeks late, and why it wasn't my fault for doing so. Without further ado here it is... (sorry it's so long to make up for it there's a surprise at the end)
Why I Didn't Finish Essay
You are probably wondering why I didn't turn in my history project on time. Am I right? Well if I'm right, let me tell you whose fault it is, because in a way, it isn't mine. It's the Fed-ex guys fault! Now let me tell you why it's his fault, starting from the beginning. Here I am at the mail box getting out my new Softball Sales Magazine, just waiting to see what's new inside. So I open the magazine to find they got the new resistance parachutes designed to help you gain speed for running and whatnot . I then rushed inside to get my money, then ran my little heart out up the stairs to the computer room, which was where my dad was sitting. I told him how much I needed it before soccer or track starts. My dad then orders it and puts it on rush delivery, so it should've been here any day after that right? (insert buzzer noise here) Wrong! It got here two weeks after we ordered it. Now right about now you are probably wondering what this has to do with me not doing my project. Well this is how, if I got that on time I could have ceased my excitement about using it with still plenty of time for the project. So since it came late, I was distracted from doing homework, and why? Because the Fed-ex guy dropped off the parachute too late. Yes I could have used it after I was done with the project, but then it loses its touch of new and exciting, you know what I mean? That was poor deciding on my part. Never again will I let the powerful, mystical, athletic, and intriguing ways of a resistance parachute over whelm me with its awesomeness ever again. But let's not forget who's real fault it was... the Fed-ex guy.
Now there was more than one participant in me not doing the project. The other fault is none other than, the internet! I know I had all of my research in my history book, but it didn't have everything I needed to describe thoroughly with geography and stuff like that. So I had a good reason to be on the internet. The reason I didn't finish is, because when I turn on my computer the news of the day pops up. When it popped up it had 10 weird jobs that pay 100,000 dollars. I was fascinated by it, so I clicked on it. Let me tell you this, it wasn't that great, a waste of my time really, although I did learn that people get paid 100,000 dollars to put on scuba gear and retrieve golf balls out of ponds.
Now after that let down, I went back to researching, and I stumbled upon a great information website. As I was scrolling down I saw this ad that said, "are you smarter than Miley Cyrus?" So of course I clicked on it. That was a total let down too, only because I had to give out personal information. I never did find out if I was smarter than her. I went back to researching after the incident, only to stumble across a fantastic website chalk full of information. I then clicked on the link and as I was reading the first line a thing pops up on my computer saying "send this song to your cell-phone." Now that left me thinking
"What song are you people talking about? It sure can't be the
information I'm reading, because I am positive that won't make the top ten list of
Towards the end of this little adventure, I tried to look-up facts about the cascades. As I was looking this up an ad for Yolk's Market just out of nowhere pops up, saying something about buy a papaya get a pineapple free. Now dear reader, let us reflect upon what the topic of the page is, and what it has to do with free pineapples... Hmmm. Nothing. I mean really, who is going to be looking up stuff about the cascades, sees the ad, and gets up just to get a free pineapple if you buy a papaya. I personally think they should put that ad on a their own website. Sooooo in a nutshell, that ad distracted me from doing the work I needed to do.
Okay so right now I have to tell you a secret. Those reasons you just read, were just the minor reasons. Yes that's right, there was even a bigger culprit involved! That culprits name is... Jacquelyn. Yes I know, I know, "she's your friend, why would she make it so you couldn't finish your project?" and " She doesn't look like she could hurt a fly." Well guess what dear reader? She did make it so I didn't finish, it was all part of her evil diabolical plan to make it so I would listen or do whatever she was saying at the time. (Which would have me distracted from doing my work.) Even if I try my hardest to avoid doing what she says, she finds a way , because that's just the type of dark, twisted genius Jacquelyn is. You would think that me not sitting next to her would make it easier for me right? Wrong, she still has me doing all the stuff she had me do in the past, eating all her mints, asking her for jolly ranchers, using up all her hand sanitizer, having her sharpen my pencil, putting my belongings in her locker for the longest time because mine is full. Only this time she's making it a lot harder, by slapping me whenever I try to use up the hand sanitizer, making me sharpen my own pencil, and keeping an eye on me whenever I'm near her locker. She's also tried to convince me to stop doing all this stuff for her, and saying that maybe I'm going a little too far. Gosh, make the victim seem like the crazy one. But I know that deep down inside, she really wants me to do all those favors for her.
It's a bunny rabbit! -> (\_/)(='.'=)
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