As some of you reading this blog may be parents of a pre-teen or teenager, I thought instead of writing about what weird thing goes on in my life, I would try to dapple in the subject of us! And by us, i mean me and my fellow "teeneyboppers". (rule of thumb number one, please do not call us that. It ticks most people off.) PLEASE LET ME REMIND YOU I AM STILL A TEENAGER! WRITING ABOUT MY FRIENDS AND OF COURSE MY PERSPECTIVE ON WHY WE TALK BACK TO OUR PARENTS, THIS DOESN'T GO FOR EVERYONE'S ISSUES WITH THE TOPIC.
I was reading an article on msn today, and it was called "How to get your kids from stop talking back." So I clicked on it. I read the whole dang thing, and I was infuriated by it! The main points as to why we talk back in the first place, is because we were probably spoiled and or raised wrong! BUZZER NOISE! Wrong! So very very wrong! It is not because we are spoiled or raised wrong, well yes for a very small majority of talk-backers those are the reasons. So after reaing that I searched other stories, they all had one thing in common... written by older people who haven't seen their teenage years since poodle skirts were in fashion. Why are you listening to them in the first place? I think it would be much more easier to read it from a kid's perspective. Or to ask your own kid why they talk back. But if you did, then you wouldn't be reading this now would you? In the following paragraphs I'm going to be explaing to you why we talk back. Enjoy :)
REASON 1: Okay so I did kind of an unofficial poll with everyone I know at school (that's a lot btw(by the way)), and the main reason is because, well, sometimes you guys are being unfair. We aren't those gullible little first graders anymore, we know what's fair and what's not. Now some if not all of you are thinking, "What!? Perposterous! I am always fair with my child(ren)" Well let me break it to those of you I'm talking about, your not always.
An example would be, your teen already having made plans (for the pst month, already told you, you gave them permission) to go to the movies with their friends. To make it an even more specific example, let's say the midnight showing of Twilight: Eclipse, but oh what's this? You decide to go hang out with your buds, but in order to do that you will need to have your eldest babysit for the night. Even though they have had this movie planned out for a month, you cancel it just like that. But you argue saying, you've just had the most stressful week ever and need to go out and have fun. Well guess what? It's not our fault that you chose the most stressful job on earth. Going to the midnight premiere showing of Eclipse is a once and a lifetime thing. Never going to happen again. Your kid is only going to remain a kid for a short time, while your moment to live carefree is up. This is our moment. So in reality, your basically stripping them of memories to create and share with their future family. Even though at the time you probably told them, oh well, you can go see it another time with your friends. That doesn't make us feel any better. Now this incident would cause a lot of yelling and screaming things like "this isn't fair!" Now right now, we aren't trying to hide why we're talking back, in fact we are making it so clear, that we are yelling it at you! You weren't being fair. Now you may reply to that by saying something along the lines of "Well life isn't fair." This tactic is a big NONO!
REASON 2: "Well life isn't fair"
I swear this is the most common thing that gets said by the parentals. When you say something like that, when you are clearly being unfair, you are asking for it! In our brains there is a little button that says 'anger button' across it. There are a lot of things that trigger that button, one of the main causers is, the stupid ole saying "Well life's not fair." It's basically like your taunting us, like a bull fighter taunts, well, a bull. You taunt us from far away, but the minute we come at you with the horns, that you provoked, you get all "Don't you dare use that tone with me missy/mister!" It really can't be helped. (Now i may sound like I'm one-sided in this, but let me reassure you, I'm trying my best to be like Switzerland.)
Also, I don't recommend using this line at a young age, because kids learn mainly from what adults do and tell them. Like for instance, with me, I was told a bunch of stuff when I was young, one of them being when I was like 5 or 6. We were watching The Wizard of Oz, and when dorothy said something about Kansas, I asked "Is Kansas a real place?" My mom thinking it was funny, decided to reply "Oh no, Kansas is made up." Yeah it's all fun and games until your in social studies class in 6th grade having to learn the states, and on the test it asks whether the following are true. Uhuh thanks for embarrassing me mother.
The point I'm trying to make, is the fact little kids listen and will believe subconsciously, the stuff you tell them. So by telling them things like, "Life's not fair" at an early age, will really set in the back of their mind for a long time, until you tell them, "oh that's not always neccesarily true', or until they figure it out on their own. But that could really mess up their head a little. Like not expecting to gain much out of life and such. Some of you will probably be thinking this "What the HELLsinki gives you the right to compare two completely different subjects?" (talking about kansas and life's not fair here) But they aren't so completely different after all. Just think of the concept of things your telling your children and it staying in their mind. Yeah that's right, I just made a good point!
REASON 3: There may be some things you do, tht we are discovering tick us off. Now this may sound like a really dumb excuse to talk back or get angry about some things, but it's very solid ground I think. For instance, my dad chews very loudly, and he makes weird sounds that apparently only I can hear. Now I've always been very aware of these noises and I've even joked about it with him. But as I grew older, I realized that it seriously bugs me to no end! I told them about it in a clear adult manner. But what do they say? "Well that's just too dang bad!" Which is why i now get on the computer 5 minutes before they serve dinner, so I don't have to deal with it. If they come in and tell me to get off, I normally make up an excuse like I'm typing a paper, or something relevantly close to that. You may say "Wow kid, you have some issues if your getting a little peeved off from your dad chewing food." But seriously here, that's jus tone of my pet peeves. I would love to eat with my family but apparently wearing headfones is frowned upon in this society. On the days where I have over used the excuse of writing a paper, I actually have to sit at the table and eat with them. This is a position I don't want to really be in for more than 5 minutes, not because i don't love my family, but because of the dang chewing! So to get out of this spot, I shove all the food into my mouth before he sits down and call it good. Or if i'm too late, endure it, and if I end up in this situation I get REALLY crabby. Like seriously, I just want to scream my head off. But I can't, because that's frowned upon in this society too. So I get irritable and cabby. And with my family, that's never a good thing, because they ask a ton of questions. Mom"So darling how was your day?"
me "..."
mom "Ahem"
me "Fine."
mom "What do you mean fine? Didn't anything exciting happen?"
me "no"
mom "Well what you just did nothing all day?"
At this point I'm getting very frustrated so my tone I admit changes, "Fine mom, I went to school, ate lunch,went to class, came home, am currently eating dinner!" Then after saying this I kind of retreat into the back of my head.
mom "Well fine, I guess you won't be doing anything tonight, since your so crabby!"
me thinking "oh that's nice." saying "what!?"
And there you have it. I have told them sooooo many times as to why I am irritable in the evening, yet I still get yelled at. Now I could go on for 37 more paragraphs as to why me and my friends are irritable at others times, but i won't. Too much typing.
REASON 4: You assume things about what we think or do. Okay so as I'm typing this, I hear my dad say "Don't talk back to me like your older sibling does! It's disrespectful to me and your mom. And you have no reason for doing it!" Hahaha silly father, I know what your reading after I post this. My friend told me a perfect example of this.
So she loves her cell phone. If we were stuck in a quicksand pit and she left her phone outside the pit, she would get out, get it and then jump back in. That is how much she loves it. So anyways, she was texting and as she was sliding the keyboard out, it just snapped in half. Now this is where bad timing comes in. The week before a new droid got released, and she had been telling her parents about how she wanted that. They obvioulsy said no, because their plan wasn't up yet for another year. So she goes and shows it to them and what do they assume??? She broke it on purpose to gain the droid phone! Rubbish is what it was! The father got furious and started accusing her for listening to her friends about "purposifully breaking it" to get what she wanted. The mother however was mad about having to pay for a new phone because verizon didn't cover a new substitute for the one she broke or something like that. Anyeays back on track, dad just kept accusing her of doing it on purpose, and boy oh boy she was twice as angry about him doing that as he was for her "doing it on purpose", which she didn't. So yeah, back talking ensued, and there was grounding involved, in a case where there was no need for it. Point is, before you assume things, ask your child for their story. If you still don't believe them, have them come back every hour to tell it to you again. If they can't hold down the story, they are obviously lying.
THE END PARAGRAPH: I used some personnel expierences and my friends personnel expierence in this. I felt like this was a better route then making them up, so if your kid does something similiar to us, then you can kind of get a clue as to why, and trust me, it's not just because they feel like it. Oh let me add one more thing, about the stereotypical image of a teenager. We talk back. Yes. Why? Because we are becoming more aware of things, like fairness, some parents however don't see this and continue to treat us like we can only understand little words. Life isn't fair? We revolt against that saying because it diminshes our understanding of what our right is in the situation, whatever it may be. We get irritable? Yes, we do. Some because they may be having a rough day at school like growing up, or in some cases it's because of what you may be doing that irratate us, even though we have told you once or twice before in a calm manner, hey that kind of bugs me. Yet you continue to assume we do it out of a selfish reason. When in fact there was really no intentional harm towards you. So yeah we talk back, but don't think that all teenagers are like this, some skip this step all together. So I'm not really trying to group everyone together only the % that go i this category. ;) So yeah, if you didn't get any answers from this, then try talking to your kid about it. They want to know why your doing the things your doing too. Whether it be grounding your kid for running through a corn maze and cutting a corner at the wrong place at the wrong time, which wasn't a big deal by the way, the corn cops over reacted. Or just saying something like you can't go to that party because I said so. Well tell them why you grounded them when noone else's parents did and forgave their child, or why you won't let them go to that party. If you tell them why you won't let them go to that party, and you get a response like "Don't you trust me? You need to be able to trust me and that i'll be able to make the right desicions if a situation comes up." If you have no idea how to answer that without getting back talking, I suggest you wathc the 2011 halloween episode of The Middle (on abc).
Yep so that's it for today, signing off...
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